Archives for January 2008

Unusual Animal Careers: EarthCorp Opportunity

I’ve been out of town and am busy catching up. This offer came across my desk and I know many of you are looking for new careers related to animals and the environment, this group is searching for candidates. I don’t know all the details but got it from my network overseas.

EarthCorps is now accepting international applications for training positions. Please consider forwarding this announcement to any junior staff or volunteers in your region seeking advanced education and training in the environmental field.

EarthCorps offers a 6-month training course in Seattle, Washington, USA that brings together emerging environmental leaders to learn the fundamentals of:

– Environmental Service
– Community Building
– Leadership

EARTHCORPS CHARGES NO TUITION OR FEES for its services and in fact supplies insurance, individual home stay families, food, gear and a monthly stipend to all international participants. EarthCorps provides additional support in acquiring US J-1 Trainee visas.

– year college degree and 1 year of work experience in the environmental field
– 5 years of work experience in the environmental field
– Conversational English
– Documented commitment to one’s career field
– No Criminal Record

– Applicant Application Dead Line: January 31, 2008
– Participant selection: February 2008
– Visa processing: March – May 2008
– Travel confirmation: May 2008
– EarthCorps Program starting date: June 3, 2008
– EarthCorps Program graduation: December 12, 2008

Candidates should be referred to EarthCorps by an environmental organization (i.e. NGO, community group or student club). Materials are available online at:

Please feel free to contact Mr Mark Howard if you have any questions or concerns.

Diana L. Guerrero’s Ark Animal Tracks: January 2008

Volume 6, Number 1
Publisher: Guerrero Ink
Copyright © 2008 Diana L. Guerrero. All rights reserved.
Content may not be reproduced without permission.
January News & Tips
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
2. Discussion for the Month
3. Critter Chronicles
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
Should I say, Happy New Year? This year is off to a fast start and I am sure it is going to fly by just like 2007 did. I imagine many of you are looking at goals and hopes for 2008—many people are.

I really didn’t notice the change because I’ve been busy here in the office working on some new projects and still wondering if I am ever going to tackle the goal setting officially.

Granted, I have a ton of white boards scattered throughout the place with new notes going up as the old ones get erased, but I just haven’t done the traditional goal setting like one of my pals does.

She holds workshops on New Year’s Day and constructs these great vision boards for the year. I like that idea, nice pictures and images of what might be to come.

For me, the beginning of the year found me embroiled in interviews over the San Francisco tiger escape and attack. Some of you might have caught me on a few different shows or radio programs. Fortunately, it quieted down and I settled back into pounding the keys of the computer as I usually do in the winter.

We had a heck of a storm that dumped about a foot of snow last week. I loved it but hated the digging out!

Anyway, I hope you are warm and toasty out there—at the moment there is a chill in the night air and I need to light a fire and curl up with a good book.

In the meantime, keep up with my comments at the blog at and some of my other websites…and stay tuned because exciting changes are in the air!

2. Discussion for the Month
At the moment I am pondering moving this newsletter onto the blog at Ark Animals. My focus on Web 2.0 is dominating most of my Internet interactions and it would make my life easier—what do you think about that?

I am excited about the new format that is coming up shortly for my main website. One thing is for sure, the web is not static and just when you think you are catching up—everything changes!

My agent is still waiting for my next book proposal. Honestly, the idea is still percolating and I am procrastinating because I am busy enough with my class and other projects related to my animal behavior and training practice.

Winter means business slows down for me because people do not want to work their animals in snow conditions or in the cold. So, it is a time when I sit down and mainly stay indoors to write.

Speaking of writing, a prominent newspaper is interested in having me blog for them and I am seriously considering it. I enjoy taking my message out to the public and sharing my knowledge about the animal kingdom with the world—after all that is what I trained for and is my mission in life.

But do I really need more work? My goal for 2008 is to have more balance…what is yours?

Drop me a line and let me know or drop by the blog and leave a comment…you can find it at
3. Critter Chronicles
Shadow is my neighbor’s dog and I’ve known her since the day she was born. From the small little pup that I held in my hand, she has grown into a stropping 88 pounds of magnificent mutt.

Her good nature is matched by her striking appearance and she is what I consider the perfect dog…well socialized to humans and animals, happy, healthy, and playful. But best of all, she is my hiking partner.

This is a good thing for me—and for her. My problem is that I tend to work too much. Her problem is her mom works too much. In the end, Shadow and I take a break to get out and have fun. The result is that we have a relationship based on mutual respect, trust, and enjoyment.

There might be some of you who don’t know that over the past few years I have lost my animal companions. They had good long lives with me but the sad thing for us humans is that animal lives are much shorter than ours.

That pretty much sucks.

So, for the moment, I am waiting a while before I acquire any more critter companions—and to fill the void, I am the auntie to many.

And the many includes dogs, cats, fish, and an iguana—plus some of the local wildlife. I have a Blue Jay that has a crush on me and who tries to locate me inside the house if he cannot see me at the computer.

Then there is the delinquent squirrel (did you read the Squirrel Negotiations blog?) who has backed off a bit in his torment. The raccoons don’t come for the late night parties anymore due to the construction that destroyed the animal path across my property…I kind of miss them but I definitely don’t miss the 2am wake up antics.

They are all special—but Shadow has stolen my heart. She and I both look forward to our hikes up into the wilderness or just sometimes down the road. When we get off the beaten path, I can let her off lead and she explores the scents along side the road and has the sense to rejoin me if we hear a vehicle approaching from the distance.

Just this last week we hiked up after the fresh snow. I love being out when everyone else is in. Our trek took us down to the creek and up onto a trail that leads through a meadow where an old cabin sits empty.

Dogs instinctively know what to do in the snow—they romp and roll with joy. Two other dog pals joined us on the way home and they all made me smile and laugh.

I think that is a great gift to me from the canine clan.

If you are interested, you can find stories and pictures of my adventures with Shadow in the archives of the Fawnskin Flyer.

4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
I’ll be offering teleseminars on Tuesdays on different animal behavior issues. We are still working on the details for February. I am supposed to be heading out of the country next month so things may change.

Please check my calendar directly to make sure you don’t miss anything in the future:

If you would like an animal behavior or training appointment just call (800) 818-7387 or you can book an appointment online. Don’t forget that I also do phone consultations.

Thanks for your continued support and suggestions
Have a great month and stay tuned!
Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone who is on the lookout for new books, speakers, and information related to animals or writing.

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Copyright © 2008 by Diana L. Guerrero
PO Box 1989 PMB 215
40729 Village Drive Suite 8
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Web Email Form:

(909) 547-4275 Office Line
(800) 818-7387 Events & Media
(800) 962-4544 Skylight Paths Book Wholesale (ISBN 1893361845)
(800) 805-5489 Sterling Publishing Book Wholesale (ISBN 1402729677)