Well, the girls have been allowed to stay at the camp and I am glad to be on the home stretch. They should go home on Monday if all goes well. The past couple of days have been interesting because of the integration into a home environment.
The girls are hyper because they don’t know what to do. If you take the hyper behavior, pair it with no attention span, and little sense about how to operate in the world–that is their model.
These two are really super cute and sweet, which is probably why their behavior has been tolerated for so long. I believe the problem is ultimately genetics and poor socilization. I discussed this with a shrink pal, the A.D.H.D label seems to fit.

I suspect dog “B” is also the mega chewer. She is more reliable in most behavior because she is a Omega animal. I believe her refusal to perform behaviors when asked is more to do with a lack of ability to focus when facing new stimuli. The aggro is weird and I would have expected it from dog “A” instead.

Yesterday, it too about 45 minutes just to walk less than a 1/4 of a mile back to the ranch. Back and forth, back and forth. Sometimes you really have to be diligent to get the good behavior–and one of the reasons I am only doing boot camp at the moment!