Archives for April 2008

Manic Over Manatees

So, manatees are in the news again. Sharpie, a rescued and rehabilitated manatee was recently released back into the waters of Florida. He has been called the “poster child” for manatees and you might want to watch the his manatee release video.

I’m not sure why I am on the marine tangent but perhaps it has to do with Earth Day and reflections over where I am going next with my career.

In the meantime, I just finished an article about mountain vacationing pet safety…which talks a bit about the problems facing pets and wildlife.

It makes me sick that fishing filament, hooks, bait, and lures continue to injure and kill marine life and waterfowl. This same litter that people leave behind also injures pets on a regular basis.

Is it so hard to pick up before leaving an area? What I don’t get is that if people enjoy the wilderness and fishing and boating so much–why on earth would they litter and leave potentially lethal debris behind?

Above: Trash thrown over the side about Grout Creek–a local creek that runs down into the lake and a tributary that trout come up to spawn.

Last year I took an early morning amble and met up with a neighbor whose dog grabbed some bait–complete with hooks. I sent her for help while I restrained the dog and prevented the animal from making her own situation worse.

I gave the owner specific instructions to help keep her from panicking…which she was on the verge of doing.

The good news is that the hook got caught in the flesh of the dog’s upper palate instead of being swallowed–and the filament was still attached. When the filament is still attached–it helps the veterinarian locate and access the hook quicker.

While I restrained the pet, the owner caught a lift home and then drove back to get us. Never mind my car sickness from riding in the back of a car speeding down the winding highway on the way…


Fortunately, I kept my cookies while also keeping the dog successfully restrained.

We quickly got the animal to the veterinarian–who was alerted to our situation by phone and so staff were awaiting our arrival. Lucky for us and the dog who was immediately taken into surgery.

So much for my walk that day and I made sure to drop by their home after the procedure was done. It was amusing–since the dog proceeded to tell me all about the adventure. She talked and talked and wiggled and waggled close to me.

Both the owner and I chuckled over it. I told the dog that she didn’t need to be a “drama dog” and that she should bail of the whole bait obsession.

Unfortunately, animals act like animals and so they will grab bait or become the unknowing victims of monofilament, plastics, and other such garbage people leave behind–no matter what you tell them–or how closely you try to monitor them.

Wildlife have problems with such litter frequently…

…approximately 30% of manatee deaths have been directly attributable to human-related causes, including watercraft collisions, accidental crushing and drowning in water control structures, and entanglements in fishing gear…[Read More]

Now the actual population status of the manatee population off the coast of Florida is not known–only estimated. In January 2000 the estimate was numbered at 2,222 manatees statewide–up from 737 or so in the mid-1970s.

Unfortunately, the counts could vary widely depending on weather conditions. The raw numbers alone do not provide an accurate picture of population trends and many do not believe the state of Florida is doing a very good sampling of the manatee population and the proposed changes to the procedures do not sound like they are too popular either.

The manatee population aerial surveys are conducted in a particular time frame but that is not all they do. The U.S. Geological Survey’s Sirenia Project, in cooperation with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, maintains a computerized database of identified manatees.

This database is called the Manatee Individual Photo-Identification System (MIPS) and contains nearly 2,000 records of individual manatees with unique features. Tagging and other efforts are part of the monitoring process.

Funding cuts and other issues remain other problems facing these creatures.

Want to help manatees? Visit:

Manatee news and action step page

Manatee resource page

Diana L. Guerrero’s Ark Animal Tracks: April 2008

Volume 6, Number 4
Publisher: Guerrero Ink
Copyright © 2008 Diana L. Guerrero. All rights reserved.
Content may not be reproduced without permission.
April News & Tips
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
2. Discussion for the Month: Survey Says
3. Critter Chronicles
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
1. Tales from the Trips (Latest News)
Here in the mountains of Southern California it is spring.
The trout have been spawning and I walk down to the creek
to watch them every day.

Living here means that there are trade offs but I just have
to step outside to remember why I moved back here…it
beats commuting in heavy traffic, inhaling smog, missing
the stars at night, and failing to hear the sounds of
wildlife on a daily basis.

Life has been busy and tough in many ways. So in all the
years I have been putting out newsletters this is the first
year that I have not consistently released them on (or by)
the 1st of the month.

Eventually I will have an assistant to handle this project
but in the meantime–better late than never–and thanks for
being patient and waiting.

I want to sincerely thank all of you who took a few minutes
to fill out the survey. (I’ll discuss this more below.)

Deciding who would win was tough but ultimately the winner
of the survey is…<insert drum roll here>

==>>Connie in Santa Barbara.

Her comment sums up her responses, “Can you find the
questions in this dissertation?”

Don’t fret if you were not selected as a winner on this
one. I’ll have another survey for you in the not so
distant future and you’ll have the opportunity to win
more prizes.

Anyway, last month was relaunched
without too much drama.

Yes, there are a few glitches and some clean up left to do
but it will make life much easier for both of us in the

I hope you like the new format of the website. All new
content is added on the front page and is searchable.

If you want to leave any feedback, or questions, just
comment on the blog.

Until next month or next blog post…
2. Discussion for the Month: Survey Says
Since this was our first survey we had the opportunity to
learn a lot. <grin>

First, to my chagrin, many of you thought we were doing the
survey and so did not fill in your contact information. So,
many of the answers were anonymous (except for the IP).

Picking just one winner was hard. Eventually we sorted
through the pile and made the first cut by selecting those
who filled out each and every question because it narrowed
the numbers down.

As a reward to those who did fill in the complete
questionnaire and included their email address—each was
sent free admission to the live interview with Karen Pryor.

You never know what I am going to do—so if you missed out
be sure to participate next time.

Once through the initial process, it was down to reading
and re-reading the comments. I have to say that I am
honored that you were so frank and open. I hope you enjoyed
participating in the survey as much as I enjoyed reading
your comments and questions.

Anyway, in case you are curious, I am going to briefly
outline some of the survey:

First, the response percentage may look bizarre because
some of the questions allowed you to pick more than one

But what was interesting is that many of the lesser
percentages were significant because they were close behind
the main selections—they also received a high number of

So the percentages would be misleading in some cases.
Having said that, here are the highest ranking results:

1. What are your main interests as a subscriber to Diana L
Guerrero’s email list or as a website visitor?

Animal Behavior 61.8%
Animal Careers 52.7%
Behavior Modification 49.1 %

2. What are your primary animal interests?

Pet Dogs 76.5%
Canines 49.0%
Pet Cats 49.0%

3. In relation to your current subscription, how often do
you like to receive information?

Fine as it is 31.5%
When you find something of interest or value 27.8%
Monthly 24.1%

4. If you had private coaching with me by phone or
otherwise, what questions would you ask?

Over 60% of you expressed an interest in private coaching
and shared some of the questions you would ask.

I may tackle some of those on the blog—or in a pet
parenting session.

5. How much would you be willing to pay for hands-on help
via a step-by-step coaching/mentoring program, including
private access to me?

53% took the time to share your thoughts and budgets with

I got a chuckle of the person who said, “I would probably
pretend to want coaching, and then make friends with you and
hope that you’d recommend me, my youth, intelligence and
hilarity to your friends for training in some animal

6. What is your ultimate goal for your animal
relationships, pet business, or animal career?

This was a mix between better relationships with animals,
being better at animal jobs, and finding an animal career.

7. Are there other comments you would like to add or share?

I was amazed at all of you who said thanks for the website,
my work, etc.

Wow, does that ever make it worth it.

Let me just say it is my pleasure—and thanks for your
3. Critter Chronicles
Since spring arrived the birds are going crazy each and
every morning. Forget the wake up call—they fill the air
with their calls and are so loud that it makes it hard to
even try to sleep in!

On the lake, the white pelicans have decided to congregate
in an area below my window. They are gorging on fish and as
the lake temperature warms up they will have more food than

It is too early to kayak (Can you say hypothermia in less
than 7 minutes?) until the water temperature hits 55
degrees F. I leveraged a deal with the local marina so I
should be kayaking almost daily. Last year I could have
kicked myself for not going out on the water every day.

How is that for lazy (or overworking)? I just have to walk
across the street!

Over at Grout Creek, the trout are still spawning. I take a
walk down there every day for a look. Yesterday, a Great
Heron was fishing and let me get pretty close to snap a few
pictures and a short video.

The trout are active and pretty large. Some still try to
jump up the creek falls driven by an ancient lure to do so.
Each day the falls shrink and it only a matter of a couple
of weeks before the creek bed will be dry.

The weather here isn’t really warm unless you are in the
sun. We hit a whopping high of 60 degrees F today–but
unless you layer the chilly air gets you.

Believe it or not we still have snow packs in the shaded
areas. The creek is icy cold and clear—although the soot
from the fires lines the creek bed you can really see the
animal tracks clearly.

I enjoy ambling around but what is sad is that people who
visit are leaving their trash and debris in the forest, in
the lake, and alongside the creek.

Some of the locals make it a habit to clean up. Captain
John, the owner operator of our local marina, was out
raking up debris and picking up litter this week. He has
lived her for ages and thinks nothing of taking part of his
day to clean up the environment.

I guess this is appropriate since Earth Day is next
week…but around these parts we celebrate it every day.

My hiking buddy and I discovered a large load of trash
tossed over the side of a road just above the creek
yesterday. It is going to be hard to get down there to
clean it up but we are going to try.

Fishing season is near and will always have a big problem
with fishing lines, hooks, broken bottles and plastics,

So, for Earth Day pick a few things you can do to raise
awareness about cleaning up while away from home.

If you are heading over to the beach, park, or mountains
for the day remember to pack out your trash and if you can
find a way to remind friends going on vacation just how
important it is to the wildlife—now is the time to do it.

The animals will thank you.
4. Schedule of Upcoming Events & Appearances
Last month we started the teleseminar Tuesdays. These
classes are recorded and soon you will be able to purchase
the audio book or ebooks on the topics.

I am working at convincing one of my colleagues to join me
for those sessions so stay tuned. He and I are different in
our approaches and I think it will be a good mix…plus fun.

Also, this year I’ll be doing
one-shot-obedience-boot-camp sessions. This means I’ll
pick one behavior and conduct a mini boot camp over an hour
or two. No more group classes…time to kick it up a notch.

Locally, Kenai’s Korner is sponsoring some of my seminars
in June & July. Stay tuned for topics and details.

In the meantime, my calendar is now live online. You can
access it at

April 18-April 23, 2008 Noon (Pacific Time)
Private Bowser Boot Camp

April 26-27, 2008 (All Day)
Los Angeles Times Festival of Books
Los Angeles, CA

May 10, 2008 (10am PST)
Obedience Boot Camp:
Pay Attention & Markers “Yes, that is what I want”

May 13, 2008 (Noon, Pacific Time)
Teleseminar Tuesday Topic TBA

May 24, 2008 (10am PST)
Obedience Boot Camp:
Walking Manners

May 27, 2008 (Noon, Pacific Time)
Teleseminar Tuesday Topic TBA

May 29-31, 2008
Book Expo America
Los Angeles, CA

Teleseminar Sign up:

If you would like an animal behavior or training
appointment just call (800) 818-7387 or you can book an
appointment online. Don’t forget that I also do phone

Thanks for your continued support and suggestions
Have a great month and stay tuned!
Please feel free to share this newsletter with anyone who
is on the lookout for new books, speakers, and information
related to animals or writing.

PRIVACY STATEMENT: Subscriber information will not be
distributed to anyone.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe: If you subscribed electronically,
you may unsubscribe by following the information (or clicking on the link)
included in your verification email (or the bottom of this
email). If you signed up at an event, you were entered into
the private database and can be removed by following the
same instructions.

Thanks for joining me. If you have a topic you would like
to see covered in this newsletter, please visit our online
form at

Want to advertise or sponsor an event? Contact me below.

Copyright © 2008 by Diana L. Guerrero
PO Box 1989 PMB 215
40729 Village Drive Suite 8
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Web Email Form:

(909) 547-4275 Office Line
(800) 818-7387 Events & Media
(800) 962-4544 Skylight Paths Book Wholesale (ISBN
(800) 805-5489 Sterling Publishing Book Wholesale (ISBN