Archives for October 2007

Doggie DI Boot Camp–Week Two Day Three

Another dismal day for the Doggie DI. Although it did not take long to get out of the camp, the doggie duo were horrible…not their charming selves.

Okay, okay, they were not as bad as yesterday. Thank goodness for small favors.

The first thing I did, after getting into the pen and saying hello, was to separate the two. The siblings have separation anxiety when removed from one another–or should I say the one who remains behind pitches a fit–because that is more like it.

My strategy to deal with this was to put the remote spray collar on the dog left in the camp building while I worked the other on the porch, in the pen, and then out in the community yard.

Such reprimands are not associated with a person or a command and so they tend to be effective because the dog doesn’t source the connection. Sometimes they will identify the collar as the source but not always.

Glad to have the tool to help them succeed–it worked like a charm. Don’t get me wrong, both began to pitch a fit (I switched them out) but by the third time the collar was activated, they stopped.

Separation anxiety manifests in a number of ways. Usually it is associated with human-animal separations. Dogs might chew, destroy things, or self-mutilate in attempts to escape their isolation.

In this case, the dogs will bark, howl, whine, dig or destroy, and attempt to escape the area they are confined. It doesn’t matter if they have a whole yard, or are in a smaller room, or if the other dog is just a few feet away separated by a barrier–they want to be with each other.

That is one of the problems with sibling animals–they bond more with each other and to hell with the owners (and the dog trainer)…at least in the cases I see.

I did manage to get a good one minute “sit, stay” from dog “A” at a six foot distance.Both dogs sit at attention for a variety of our activities so they know the behavior. Dog “B’ didn’t do as well but she does understand the concept–it is just the motivation and A.D.D. that gets in the way.

We did also start the “down” but it wasn’t something we worked on too much.

They both did better on the leash work. The heeled and did loose leash walking pretty well. The main problem is that they don’t keep to the left on the loose leash walking AND they often tangle themselves up on turns when we stop. I do have them sit when we stop but it is not automatic at this point.

The big problem is that we are walking up and down hills with lots of small rocks. If they don’t comply, I am at risk. It takes some maneuvering and diligence–they are better than they were but it still is not much consolation from my perspective.

The other thing that is a pain is that they are really clingy when I sit down and so we worked on that. I like giving them affection and physical contact but I am not rewarding the clingy and pushy behavior. So, sometimes it means I have to withdraw because they get overstimulated and go back to the bad behavior.

Dog “A” can be a collapsible dog. When I pet her and talk sweetly she actually begins to fall over or slides onto the ground. Too funny but I’d rather her do that than have her push into me like dog “B” does.

Now I know you remember me mentioning that they have exhibited some unexpected behavior. What revealed itself over the past few days is that they do show some aggression and territoriality. What a surprise! I would not have expected it and the camp owner said they did not do that the last time they visited–but then they had been displaced and recently relocated, too.

Today there was an incident when I was sitting down working on having dog “B” not crawl onto my lap. The camp dog came over and attempted to sniff my reprimand pouch (that is hooked on the belt and hangs behind me). She was behind me and dog “B” was in front of me. As soon as she sniffed, dog “B” became possessive and the both dogs reacted but instantaneously both got corrected by my booming voice.

Needless to say, they both stopped immediately. Even the camp owner, who had come over to watch, moved off!

Neither dog got to the other but that behavior it is not acceptable. The good thing about being at the camp is that I can see my students behavior is a variety of settings and around other animals.

Dogs rotate in and out, walk by, and outside the perimeter fence and we have encounters with horses, ponies, dogs, and the horseback riders and cars. I hate when there are interactions like today.

I think I shook up the camp owner when I yelled, too. She suddenly got up and had to go back to work.

Some of you might remember that I began my career training big stuff like lions, tigers, and bears (go ahead, say it…) and so when I project my voice to stop something–it usually works and nobody crosses me. When I shifted from wild animals to horses–well, it took some adjusting.

I refrain from working livestock due to allergies. Hay, molds, and dust are not my friends. When I did work hoofed animals I was always taking allergy meds. Not too long ago I did a behavior consultation with a horse–and man was I sneezing, wheezing, and red-eyed…that will teach me to not take those allergy meds before going to a horse ranch.

Anyway, the gals went crazy barking at something outside of the play pen today also–and they stopped when I told them to–but I’d rather not see that behavior at all. You can train a dog to be protective and to alarm bark, but this behavior is neither.

When the gals don’t cooperate I notice I get really tired by the end of the day. We had some successes but all were hard to come by.

We ended the day with a final playtime in the play area. Dog “B’s” behavior is changing and she is becoming a bit of a brat. Not that these dogs were ever really good–but in my work with them things are shifting. Even the camp owner is amazed now.

My heart warms when they do well and are trying hard. They are sweet but I am probably going to take a day off in the next few days to give us all a break.

Please God, let them do well tomorrow…

Dog “B” still jumps in the air when excited but the remote collar works really well on helping to extinquish that behavior too. I might have to use one of those harnesses that prevents jumping if the behavior doesn’t drop down in the next four days.

You might remember I said that the videographer was coming to film. She did not come up today–she asked me to change the schedule again. I might see her Friday. I wonder if there is a correlation betwee scheduling her and the bad behavior–they have only been bad on the days she was supposed to film.


Maybe the girls will be better tomorrow. Please, oh, please!

Doggie DI Boot Camp–Week Two Day Two

Above: Boot Camp Sights:
“The shoe fence”…each post has an old boot on top of it.

Some days at boot camp are good and then there are the days when it is horrid. Today sucked! It took us over an hour and a half to just get out of their quarters and the perimeter fence.

Forget working on anything new–we spent most of the day on gate manners and other behaviors I hoped the duo would have maintained by now…but no such luck.

Part of the problem was the wind. If you have not noticed, certain weather conditions make animals jumpy and uncooperative. The high winds have been blowing on the camp for over 24 hours. I wore a cap and it was a good thing it was snugged down with my French braid–otherwise I would have lost it.

I put dog “A” into the remote spray collar and it worked well on her. Unfortunately, she was so bad I actually used her choke chain today. I think the last time I used such a device was in the late 1980s. As much as I don’t like them, it did the trick and got her attention and cooperation.

Once I had her attention, we took a long walk since their quarters were being cleaned out…otherwise I would have ended the session and left everything for tomorrow. Sometimes animals have bad days and don’t do well. Today was one of those days.

Speaking of which, I noticed that often, around the fifth week of dog training in group classes, that many dogs will act like they have forgotten everything they have learned. I am not sure if it is something that the humans are doing or if the dogs just go through a phase where they are testing the rules.

Today both dogs were also very pushy for attention. The frustrating thing about this duo is that they continue to make the same mistakes. They like attention and know that they are to sit and wait for it but once one gets excited and stands up–all bets are off.

They are cute but even that and the fight for attention doesn’t work for them…and they just fail to get that notion. Maybe they think cuteness and sweetness will get them what they want. NOT–that is why they are in boot camp! Maybe nobody has outlined that for them.

As I sighed and lamented on today’s shenanigans, the camp owner mentioned that she thought it was weird that they don’t use the deck to rest and relax in the sun, instead they curl up in the gravel!

These critters are really sweet but the brain power is questionable. So, both dogs were soaked by my mighty syringes by the time we were done. I keep four loaded in my second training bag and have to refill a few times during our sessions.

Speaking of soaked, why is it that dogs love to go get a good sloppy drink of water and then come over and make sure you get most of it on your clothes?

Anyway, I gave up on wearing my uniform pants a few days ago and now show up in my jeans because the dogs just soil everything so heavily–they are a little bit better but they still manage to make sure I am a filthy mess by the time I get out of there. Most of it is from their attempts to get body contact with me.

I learned early in my career to get uniforms and to wear plain undergarments, too. You have no idea how soiled you can get working animals–the dirt moves through all the layers of clothing and into the skin. My washer has been working hard and I am reluctant to get out of the shower once I am in it.

The camp staff got into clean out the dog quarters while we were out. When we came back the place was spick-and-span and reorganized. The storage cabinet, food bin, and crates were all moved.

This was not a problem for the dogs–they didn’t seem to notice or care.

I’ll save my additional whining for those who actually see me in person but so much for starting on obedience work today!

Tomorrow I have a videographer coming out to film so hopefully they will show off some of the things they have learned. I have some footage of when we began and so hopefully we can see the contrast.