Archives for November 2005

Hilton’s Baby Luv is a Kinkajou

You might have heard about the recent news regarding Paris Hilton’s pet being confiscated. Exotic animal pets are not legal in many states unless you qualify for a permit.

News stories hitting the wires today mistake the kinkajou (Potos flavus) for a monkey–except for this one. The rainforest animal is actually a relative to the raccoon. The critters are mainly noctournal (active at night) and have a prehensile tail. Their nickname is the “honey bear” but they do NOT make good pets.

Read more about one of my kinkajou consultations in the ABC’S Column area on the website coming in December!

Petition for Pet Disaster Evacuation Bill Now Before Congress

Just a gentle reminder that the pets around the USA still need your help. Please visit the link to sign a petition so congress approves the Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act (PETS Act, H.R. 3858) to include animals in evacuation plans.