Endangered Species & Wild Animals
All content © by Diana L. Guerrero unless otherwise noted and may not be reprinted without prior written permission. All rights reserved. Click here for reprint permissions and fees.
Wildside: Wolf Hybrids
Wolf hybrids are discussed in a short commentary by animal behaviorist, Diana L. Guerrero. Canine hybrids include wolf hybrids and coy dogs. They are not recommended as pets. See our comprehensive series on the topic of wolf dog hybrid issues elsewhere on this site.
Wolf Hybrids: A Glimpse Behind the Allure
Do you remember any of your childhood stories about wolves? Let's
see, there was: The Three Little Pigs, The Seven Little Goats, Brothers
Grimm Little Red Riding Hood (who gets eaten by the wolf), Peter
& the Wolf, werewolves, and more assorted varieties of terror inducing
stories from all cultures and times. This must be where we have
gotten all those lousy, fearful impressions of the wolf. It started
from an early age, and both fascinated and terrorized us through
our imaginations.
Wolves have attracted our attention with their beauty and their
wildness for eons. The attraction to these wild animals has created
an allure that catapulted some of the dog breeds closer to wolf
ancestry into the urban household. For the past few decades some
people had the bright idea to cross the wild beast with the domesticated
animal and create a nightmare of unbelievable proportion. You could
compare it to the story of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" or perhaps
"Frankenstein", since you never know what you are going to get.
With the fascination of wolves, there has been a wave of people
rushing out to obtain what they think is the next best thing, a
wolf hybrid. The motivating factors to obtain these pets are highly
varied. Some people view them as status symbols while others own
and breed them for financial reasons, marketing puppies that are
part wolf (which often are not, fortunately!) regardless of breeding,
socialization, or health considerations. In some states it is illegal
to own or breed them.
No matter what people think, the wolf hybrid is not an animal that
will help perpetuate the wolf species. It actually adds fuel to
the fire against the wolf. Selfish human motives continue to harm
the wolf species with a global impact. The bottom line is that they
are not pets.
Some wolf experts suggest that the way to integrate a wolf hybrid
into the home is to take a variety of steps before, during and after
acquiring the animal. The first step is to get familiar with wolf
behavior and to actually get some training in that behavior. Often,
people who have this type of encounter decide against the adventure.
It is just plain hard work and very risky.
Although I do not recommend or encourage breeding hybrids, it is
still done. If you are dead set about getting one, there is some
education you must get and things you must do to even stand an inkling
of a chance at not getting hurt, or throwing the poor unfortunate
beast to a fate worse than death.
Obtaining a wolf hybrid requires that you first find a good breeder.
Because of the critical nature of the upbringing it is suggested
that for optimal results you get a hybrid that is hand-reared from
before about two weeks of age. Until sixteen weeks of age, the socialization
must be carefully conducted and monitored. Then, once placed, they
must have the proper facilities and social environment. This means
not being isolated and also not chained or confined in a small space.
This commitment is a major one in comparison to a domestic animal.
Only experienced people that the animal knows will be able to care
for it, and the ownership of the animal must be for the entire life-span
of the wolf hybrid. Not only is that a substantial factor, but having
a veterinarian experienced with wolves is also important. At this
time there is still no legal rabies vaccine available for these
Even with the best of preparation, the challenges associated with
ownership go far beyond the normal pet owner's dreams. If the animal
was not properly raised or socialized, there is the danger of challenge
and injury. Predatory behavior triggered by children screaming and
playing is another area of concern, as is the media hype and public
terror when such aggressive incidents occur. Even though they do
not concern a real wolf, they only hurt the wolf species in the
At first, hybrid puppies are cute and can be amiable, but the horrors
start pretty quickly. Because they are not a truly domesticated
animal, they cannot be trained like a domestic pet. They will often
display predatory behavior, possessiveness and aggression over food
and possessions. They grab and shred skin, as well as other items
in serious confrontations, and are almost impossible to housebreak.
They usually exhibit denning and territorial instincts causing destruction
to the home environment both inside and out.
True wolf hybrids are tremendously complex. On one side there is
the domesticated ancestry, and on the other, a wild animal heritage.
Depending on the cross, you can end up with an animal that is highly
dangerous or downright deadly, unlike true wolves which will avoid
people in the wild, and have display behavior which makes family
confrontations more exhibition oriented.
In the past, wolf hybrids have been referred to as unpredictable
monsters. I've unfortunately witnessed this first hand. One example
was a trainer I know; she obtained a very nice wolf hybrid from
a "good" line. When it reached maturity (around two years of age)
the wolf hybrid challenged her, she lost, and the event almost cost
the trainer her arm from the attack. The animal was euthanized,
a sad but common event....and better than some of the consequences.
This woman is a professional in the exotic animal industry still.
Imagine the repercussions of a less experienced owner!
Most people who claim to have wolf hybrids actually do not. This
is often fortunate, since true wolf hybrids end up mistreated and
misunderstood. Usually they end up beaten, starved, locked up in
small enclosures with no other animals or humans to interact with,
or are emaciated and tied out on a chain. Sometimes these wolf hybrids
are dumped off to survive "in the wild" are hit by cars while they
are running in sheer terror, or they are shot.
In my dog socialization groups, we occasionally were able to give
the wolf hybrid the benefit of the group interactions, but more
often than not, the animal was beyond help just due to the poor
breeding and genetics. Work has to start very young and then there
are no guarantees. Many problems begin young but often animals that
have appeared fine will suddenly "turn" at sexual maturity.
Many of the facilities which rescue wild animals (Wolf hybrids are
put into this category, but neither the domestic or wild roles suit
them.) won't take them or can't because their facilities are already
so overloaded. Occasionally they will be able to adapt into a group
and integrate into the pack successfully. However, since they only
really bond with their first owner, they never seem to recover from
being abandoned. Many of those animals will often show great fear
of strangers or new environmental changes.
Confinement is often a challenge since these animals are great at
escaping. They should not be kept within any city or town limits,
nor should they have minimal fencing or electronic fences to restrain
them. Fencing with a minimum height of eight feet and an overhang
to prevent escape is the bare minimum requirement. Digging precautions
at the fence perimeter and a large area for running is necessary
to keep these animals confined and in a better temperament.
Other risks inherent in the animal come from the predatory standpoint.
Other animals, kids, and birds all become targets for that type
of behavior....as prey. A wolf hybrid jumping through a plate glass
window to grab a caged bird, stalking kids from behind the fenced
yard, or emitting low and lingering warning growls at the owners,
and a variety of other blood chilling activities occur daily.
There are exceptions, but they are not the norm. If you already
have a wolf hybrid, read about wolf behavior, dog behavior, and
hybrid behavior. Be prepared for a long, complicated relationship.
Seek professional help before you get hurt. Hybrids do not help
the already tarnished image of the wolf. I would like the stories
to change from the ones most people envision to something more realistic
and compassionate. A good example of this change in attitude is
mentioned in Of Wolves & Men by Barry Lopez.
In the book he describes that, before an educational program on
animals, the children in the classroom were asked to draw pictures
of a wolf. Each one depicted the wolf with very large fangs. Once
the wolf visited and they got to learn about him, see him, and gain
a bit of understanding; they were asked to draw another picture
of the wolf. In the new pictures there were no large fangs...just
large feet! What a change in perception!
There are agencies around that specialize in wolf behavior, and
there are some hybrid organizations to contact. If you care about
wolves and their conservation then don't support hybrid breeding
by buying or selling them. Support those groups dedicated to actual
wolf education, conservation, and most recently, reintroduction
and integration back into the wild.
Diana L. Guerrero, author of this series, is an animal behavior consultant and animal training coach with extensive experience in many areas of the animal world. She first began working with wolf-dogs in 1979 and discourages the ownership and breeding of these animals.
We support the Wolf Specialist Groups statement against the trade of wolf hybrids and urge you not to endorse or support the trade of these animals. Read Guerrero's extensive study on the subject by clicking here.