Who or What animal training source makes you cringe?

Okay, earlier this week I asked about your favorite training sources and now I am asking you about the ones you abhor or shake your head at in disbelief.

I want to know:

  • Who is your least favorite animal trainer? (Please include where he or she is and the methods they use and how you found the company.)
  • Is he or she a member of a professional organization? (If so, which ones?)
  • Who is your least favorite animal behaviorist? (Please include where he or she is and the methods they use and how you found the company.)
  • Is he or she a member of a professional organization? (If so, which ones?)
  • What do you think are the worst three animal behavior and/or animal training books? (List the author.)

I have a few reasons for asking this but before I get into it, I want to hear from you.

Please note all comments are moderated and will be posted once reviewed.

Also take note that on this series of questions I am going to wait a bit until a variety of comments are in–this means that I am going to delay approval in the moderation queue so your answer might not appear right away.

Why? Because there are a variety of opinions and I don’t want to influence or to deter anyone from chiming in.

Okay, ready? Simply post your comment below.

About Ark Lady

+ArkLady Enhances the Lives of Animals & Empowers the People Who Love Them! Join the armchair safari or connect via ARKlady website.


  1. 1) You are limiting me to one trainer again LOL. This is hard because there are ones you have actually met, and those you have seen in action but not met. I would have to say that …hmmmm….wow, this is harder. There are way so many more that could fit into this category. Gina Lynn Hayes http://www.massachusettsdogtrainer.com in Dennis Mass for so many reasons. I picked her as I have met her personally, being different than those whose philosophies I don’t agree with, whose ethics are questionable, but that I haven’t met or talked personably to.
    2) At least the International Association fo Canine Trainers and probably a few more.
    3) This one is easy, hands down Dr Nicholas Dodman of Tufts in Grafton Massachusetts and England, I believe. http://pipl.com/directory/people/Nicholas/Dodman
    4) Several I am sure, but I don’t know off hand which ones.
    5) Three worst is hard to identify. I think there is actual valuable knowledge in just about every book, but that they may not be the have all end all. Pamela Dennison’s Bringing Shadow to Light. Nicole Wilde’s So You Want to Be a Dog Trainer (not necessarily about dog training, but lacking much info that is needed to become a successful dog trainer IMO)Karen Pryor’s Don’t Shoot The Dog

  2. 2 groups of trainers.

    1) Cesar Milan and many horse trainers who give people the idea that they can copy what the trainer is doing, use his techniques and cure their horse/dog/other animal’s sometimes severe problems. People go to a demonstration or seminar (or watch TV), buy a book or DVD from the trainer and then think they can be proficient at techniques that take experience and understanding to use well.

    2) Trainers who bash other trainers.
    In most cases, I think we can all learn from each other. And it’s okay to respectfully disagree with someone’s training or methods.
    But top trainers in the horse world can be really bad about bashing each other behind each other’s backs.
    If a trainer spend all his/her time saying nasty things about someone else, it doesn’t reflect well on him/her.


  3. AMEND OR NOTE TO BE FAIR: Some of my favorite trainers have written books that I don’t think are that good. They are just not that good into putting into writing what they can show, demonstrate or do in person. I did not put those in my least favorite, because it does give me insight into this and another perspective on a trainer. Whereas the books that I picked may be written well, and sound ducky, but could be some very big known flaws regarding real life and training and/or behavior modification.

  4. # Who is your least favorite animal trainer? (Please include where he or she is and the methods they use and how you found the company.)
    Brad Pattison
    Noticed a video circulating on the Internet of him slappin a dog in the face repeatedly.
    # Is he or she a member of a professional organization? (If so, which ones?)
    I believe he has his own organization and training school.
    # Who is your least favorite animal behaviorist? (Please include where he or she is and the methods they use and how you found the company.)
    I don’t have a least favorite credentialed behaviorist. But, if you count self-styled behaviorists, then Cesar Millan would be my least favorite, for having re-introduced the general public to outdated and inaccurate information about dogs.
    # Is he or she a member of a professional organization? (If so, which ones?) I don’t know if he is, but considering that being a “real” behaviorist requires either education or credential or both, I doubt it.
    # What do you think are the worst three animal behavior and/or animal training books? (List the author.)
    “The Koehler Method” – William Koehler
    “Cesar’s Way” – Cesar Millan
    “How to be your Dog’s Best Friend” – Monks of New Skete

  5. In the past 30 years, there has been an effort to develop dog training programs using positive reinforcement techniques that are based on scientific principles instead of the old traditional “just make ’em do it” methods. So any trainer who ignores that there is now a much more humane choice and still relies on jerking on dogs around makes me cringe. It’s especially horrible if these trainers are on TV, influencing others. Cesar Millan bases his training techniques on a wolf pack dominance theory that even the originator (David Mech) has since declared to be incorrect, and therefore spouts nonsensical and often dangerous advice. But next to Brad Pattison, host of Canadian program Out of the DogHouse, Millan is Mother Teresa. Brad Pattison apparently bases his training philosophy on the “make it up as you go along” school, which apparently includes slapping dogs hard in the face as some kind of therapy. He is extremely abusive, but because of the magic of the media (y’know, anybody on TV must be an Expert), has somehow garnered himself fans who actually believe that the cruelty he demonstrates has some semblance to dog training. This monster needs to be charged with animal abuse, not given a forum to instruct others how to get their jollies from physically intimidating innocent creatures. Cringe? As a *real* dog trainer and dog lover, he makes me want to spit fire.

  6. Brae Raphael says

    1. Brad Pattison, located in Canada. Host of “At the end of my Leash”television series. He uses outdated techniques, fear, intimidation, harsh corrective punishment. I saw Brad’s Show on Animal Planet around 2009, which is now no longer showing. His methods were down right cruel.

    2. Brad Pattison has no formal training or education. He is the Creator of CET. Certified Educators Trainers.

    3.Now I don’t know if Cesar Millan is considered a Behaviorist. Host of “The Dog Whisperer”. He uses outdated, wolf pack mentality to “rehabilitate” dogs.

    4. He has no formal training. And is not a part of any certification.

    5. “Monks of New Skete” old edition. “Be the Pack Leader: Use Cesar’s Way to Transform Your Dog and Your Life” by Cesar Millan. “Synergy E-Book” by Brad Pattison.

  7. Thanks Brae, appreciate your input. Stay tuned for the article.

  8. “Makes me want to spit fire…” LOL That means that you are passionate about what you do. I’ll be drafting a post on this topic soon but Pattison’s name has come up a few times now.

  9. Thanks Anne for sharing. I will be posting my article shortly.

  10. You crack me up–but I am so happy you are chiming in. You bring up some valid points and I’ll be posting my article on this topic shortly.

  11. Thanks Mary, you are such a great contributor. I agree–respectfully disagree with other training or methods is the best tactic which is one of the reasons I delayed approving the comments here. I’ll have my post up soon…promise!

  12. 🙂 Making people choose has a purpose so I am happy that you actually worked hard to come up with a list! Stay tuned for my article.